Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let the Derping begin...

Hello, and welcome to Derping With the Derps! A few weeks ago, I had this crazy experience where I woke up and found out I was 30-something and living in suburbia with four kids and a dog (five, if you count Derpus and sometimes I do), a house that looks like something you might see on 'Hoarders', a minivan with enough goldfish crackers in the AC vents to feed a small nation, and a calendar full enough to justify hiring a personal assistant. I realized I was only a few more diaper explosions away from finding myself in the corner of a padded cell throwing bread crumbs at myself. I decided I only had a few options:
A) Join a gym so I could eventually meet and run off with a 20 year old personal trainer
B) Hire an expensive therapist
C) Start a blog

Since I'm too poor to afford therapy (plus, I'm not great with "feelings"), kinda like Derpus and hate exercise, I'm going with the third option. Fair warning- if you're one of those people who are incapable of picking up on SARCASM and think anyone who dares insinuate that their family isn't perfect is committing some sort of blasphemy, MOVE ON!!! This blog is NOT for you! (I can however, recommend a few lovely blogs written by lovely, Perfect People with immaculate houses who post lovely images of the lovely vintage-inspired crafts they made for their lovely, Perfect Children. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.)

If however, you are someone who loves your family but can poke a little fun at them on occasion, doesn't take yourself too seriously, and has a sense of humor, welcome! I hope you'll enjoy hearing about us Derps and more specifically, my feeble attempts at being a good wife, mom, and housekeeper. At the very least, you'll probably feel a lot better about yourself after reading, and who couldn't use a nice self-esteem boost on occasion, hmm? Anyway, feel free to leave your comments or links to your blog. It's always nice to find I'm not the only mom straddling the "crazy fence".